When I originally started creating number sense activities to go into my math centers for the fall, I really thought this COVID thing would be behind us, and we would all be back in our classrooms but sadly to say that hasn’t happened.  I found myself instead teaching in virtual land and trying to make the best of it.  

Many of you though are finding that you are still in the classroom with restrictions that make a job already hard even harder.  Maybe you are trying to figure out how to meet your students where they are at but also keep them engaged.  

I would like to share with you what I have found that has worked with my students over the years with Pre-Covid and Covid.  Kinders love to be engaged with the material so the more hands on you can get, the more engaged they become.  It helps students with fine motor and sensory issues, but also engages your higher leveled learners in fun activities.

Playdough numbers allow students to build muscle strength in their hands by making snakes but they are also engaged in counting.

Students love to use erasers, pom poms, dried noodles, etc., for any number activity.  They are easy to get your hands on and are cheap. In this activity, they are using their hands, identifying the number, using ten frames, and working on their number writing skills.

The students will love putting together these number sense puzzles.  They will be identifying the number, and there are worksheets to go along with all of the centers for extended learning and practice.

Students will begin to understand the concept of more or less.  This game can be used for individuals or in a group setting.

Check out the entire OCEAN Themed Number Sense Set HERE!